Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Save attribute of a UIButton

I need some help with my code.
I have an UIAlert that pops up the first time that you open the app, in that pop up I have two buttons and the user will choose one of those. I want the app to remember what button the user chose to execute some code or other. The thing is I have this code right here :


progressView.progress += 0.25;
scan.hidden = YES;

if (progressView.progress == 1 ) {
label.hidden = YES;

progressView.hidden = YES;

[timer invalidate];

imagesText.hidden = NO;

int randomNumber = arc4random() % 4;

switch (randomNumber) {
case 0:

imagesText.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image1.png"];


case 1:

imagesText.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image2.png"];


case 2:

imagesText.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image3.png"];

case 3:

imagesText.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"image4.png"];



So I want to make it in some way that if the user selected the first button the app will do the switch between cases 0,1 and 2 and if he selected the second button it'll do it between 3 and others. But I want the beginning of the code to be the same for both cases.
I tried some stuff but it doesn't work how I wanted.
Thank you for your help!

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